Bonjour à tous,
Quelques photos de volley-ball. Un sport très intense ! (Cliquez sur les photos pour les agrandir)
Jump Set by Robin Leworthy Wilson |
Cimed/Sky X RJx by Eduardo Valente |
Bump by Robin Leworthy Wilson |
Blocked by Mariano Trissati |
Untitled by Dominic Rivera |
Untitled by Dominic Rivera |
Net Minders by Robert Sohovich |
Untitled by Bill Wang |
Just Do It. by Steven Lee |
Redeemer Spike by Robin Leworthy Wilson |
USA Volleyball by Liza Rosales |
Untitled by The Corsair |
University of York Volleyball by peteriveson |
Brazil v Russia - Olympic Final by Scotty Robson |
Brazil v Russia Prelim Match by Scotty Robson |
Untitled by Robin Leworthy Wilson |
The Slam Serve by Carlos Eduardo |
Stonewalled by Carlos Eduardo |
Spike by Tim Lingley |
Je ne savais pas que le volley était interdit aux femmes...